Friday, 10 January 2014

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web // Vinyl Cutting

I managed to get a cup from a nearby soup shop, which I'd use for the take-away orders from the bowl. It's shorter than a normal cup, and has a larger capacity, more like a bowl, than a cup. Perfect for soup. 

I applied a vinyl cut of my logo onto the bowl/cup, to brand it as my own and include into my stationary range. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't get any green vinyl to print with. So the vinyl had to be back only, but you get the idea with it. 

I photoshopped the cup. I added some soup and the green for the vinyl. If I could do this, it would look fantastic, however this just a proposal. If I had more time and resources, I'm sure i'd be able to do it.

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