Wednesday 23 October 2013

OUGD504: Design Production - Design for Web // Website Development Workshop

As part of this session, we were asked to think about 5 pages which our website would contain. The point of this task was to give us some idea of what we would want in our website, the amount of pages and content will always have a huge impact on the site. You can see below, in the image, the pages I have chosen to create. You can click to zoom in, of course.

Following the development on the content of the website, we were then asked to quickly sketch up a rough design for the website’s home/index page. (This is in no way the final design.)

You can also see the feedback I received in post-it notes around the design. The general feel from the feedback was that I had to reduce the amount of content which I suggested with the design. As they all mentioned a Bond themed website should really have a minimalistic, sophisticated look to it - to which I agree. So, as part of my design development, which will definitely be informed from this, I will try for a very clean design style. 

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