Tuesday 8 October 2013

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1 - Design For Print (Group Work)

  • There are two colour modes RGB and CMYK,
  • Colour is applied to a product using the method known as printing, which takes various forms. 
  • Format if the scale of the product, appropriate and relative to it's application, for example a business card is credit card size so It can fit into a wallet. 
  • An additional example would be posters, which are A-Sizes, A3 and Up, usually. Large, to attract attention and sell the product. 
  • The Process of making the product, for example cutting, printing. You could also relate this to it's digital application.

  • The method used in the manufacture of your product. For example, linocutting is a type of process. You remove excess lino from a sheet of lino to create a print. Another example of process would be screen printing. 
  • Finishing would be an extra added detail which is added to the product following production. An example of a finishing would be spot varnishing. 

  • Stock is the item to which you print on. Typically, stock is associated with paper, however, stock can be almost anything. 

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